A Few Reasons Why Canada is a Visitor’s Paradise

August 13, 2020 by: Lee Preston

Travel is an enjoyable activity. There are some people that stick a little close to home, but for most individuals and families, taking a trip to a new place is a welcomed experience. If you are feeling a little restless, especially with current travel restrictions, give Canada a try. Canada is among the best destinations the world has to offer, so here are a few reasons why your next vacation should include all the amazing things Canada has to offer.

Friendly to Visitors and Everyone Else

Have you ever visited a place and got the feeling that the locals really did not want you there? This is common in tourist-oriented places, but you will not have that feeling while visiting Canada. Canada is highly regarded as one of the world’s friendliest nations and that has reflected fondly among visitors. Canada’s locals are happy to give advice, directions, and answer any questions a visitor has with a friendly smile on their face. Canadians love visitors.

A Mix of Cultures

Many countries try at including multiple cultures, but no other country does it quite like Canada. Canada was founded by French settlers and certain areas such as Quebec and Montreal still maintain a majority French speaking culture. Additionally, the French side of Canada has drastically influenced the architecture of the country, so if you want to see a bit of France, but the friendlier side, give Canada a try on your next vacation.

Niagara Falls (Optimal Viewing)

Although there is some debate with this theory, it is said that the Canadian side of Niagara Falls provides the best view of this natural and amazing experience. Additionally, when compared to the United States side of the same experience, Canada’s Niagara Falls have far more attractions to keep the kids entertained as opposed to simply looking at the falls themselves. Queen Victoria Park and Skylon Tower are just a few of the attractions that bring in visitors who want to see Niagara Falls from the best view.

An Outdoor Enthusiast’s Paradise

Are you among the many who prefer the comfort of the great outdoors? You are not alone, and Canada is there with you. Canadas great outdoors stretch across the entire country and offers endless wilderness, impressive mountain ranges, and untouched scenery that can only be appreciated when visited in person. Enjoy taking in the landscape in a remote lodge deep in the forest with endless outdoor activities to keep you and your outdoor loving crew contented throughout your journey.

Interesting Food Combinations

Most of us have experienced the joy of putting odd food combinations together and testing the waters, so to speak. Whether it is done on a dare or just because the cupboards are empty that week, interesting food combinations are intriguing. In Canada, they not only have interesting food combinations available, they make them the national dish. Poutine is one of the strangest combinations of fries, gravy, and cheese curds. Canadians can’t get enough Poutine and although locals have adjusted ingredients to their individual flavor profiles, the classic dish is available throughout the country.

Polar Bears (When the Time is Right)

When we think of Canada, amazing beasts such as moose and polar bears come to mind. Moose are abundant and very common to see, but if you want to see a polar bear in its natural setting, venture to the icy shores of Hudson Bay in Manitoba. A small, seemingly insignificant village called Churchill plays host to an annual event in which tourists and locals are treated to an unmatched experience. Between the months of October and November come to search for seals, along the coast. Seeing these amazing creatures is often only available in a zoo environment, but anything is possible in Canada.

The Northern Lights

The Aurora Borealis or The Northern Lights is something most of us have only seen depicted on screen. It is a natural occurrence in which the sun’s particles become charged and produce an epic light show along the northern part of the world. Common places to view the best of the Northern Lights can be found in Northern Labrador, La Ronge, Whitehorse, and Mort McMurray. The key in Canada is the farther north you go, the clearer and more beautiful the Northern Lights become. It is something that should not be missed.

Canada is a country that seems to have it all from friendly people, great outdoors, large cities, and everything one could want on a vacation. Taking a trip to Canada should be on everyone’s bucket list and once you go, you will want to return again and again. Get the kids outside for some quality social distancing in Canada’s great outdoors and let them see what this epic country has to offer

By Lee Preston:
Lee is the Director of Marketing and Promotion for EZstorit.com. When she is not working with our storage facilities partners, she is writing about topics that affect our daily lives